Gouda cheese was first named in 1184. It is one of the oldest cheeses. Gouda is named after the Dutch city of Gouda, based on the fact that it was usually traded in that area.
it all started with a mouse >B lol jk jk jk i really dont know
The answer is cheese.
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I'm not sure. Probably something to do with religion or oil or something...Maybe even a cheese fight...I LIKE CHEESE
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Its not smoking gouda , its smoked gouda and it is gouda cheese that is smoked. it is commonly used at parties and eaten with crackers.
Gouda cheese actually originates from the Netherlands where it was first produced in the 12th century. It is named after the city of Gouda and is very popular.
Yes, a kind of Dutch-inspired gouda :-)
there is nothing in Gouda Cheese that would cause problems for a person that has celiac.
A flat round cheese with a yellow rind, originally made in Gouda, in the Netherlands.
In my fave country... Holland!!! Aka the Netherlands.
Gouda (name of a cheese)
Gouda is one.