There are 180 of latitude too - 90 south and 90 North.
No. The Prime Meridian is about Longitude, which was far more difficult to calculate than Latitude. Latitude can be measured by knowing how high the Sun is above the horizon & by the Stars at night. Longitude needs the addition of knowing time at one place & another place & speed & direction of movement. The Prime Meridian, 0 degrees Longitude runs from Pole to Pole through Greenwich, London. (The Headquarters of the Royal Navy at the time) 0 degrees latitude is the Equator.
At its widest point from east to west, Tasmania spans 315 km.
Tasmania has had two different names.Tasmania's original name was Van Diemen's Land and it was named after the Governor of Batavia, Antony Van Diemen.In the mid 1800s, it was renamed after the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, the first European to discover and land on the island.
Tasmania is located at approximately 42°S latitude and 147°E longitude.
tasmania tasmania
Bruny Island is located at approximately 43.30° S latitude and 147.25° E longitude in Tasmania, Australia.
None of them. That point is off the coast of Tasmania.
The 43rd parallel cuts through Tasmania, not mainland Australia.
There's no city there. That point is located in the interior of Tasmania, about 63 miles north-northwest of the center of Hobat, and about 310 miles south- southeast of the center of Melbin.
The island of Tasmania extends from roughly [40° 40'] to [43° 30'] south latitude.The city center of Hobart is located at42° 52' south latitude147°19' east longitude.
What is the latitude and longitude for kremlin?
latitude longitude utrecht
Is 23 a longitude or a latitude
Your ISP knows its own latitude and longitude. Your latitude and longitude is assumed to be the same as your ISP.