

What is the meaning of communist?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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A communist is a person who believes in or adheres to the principals of communism.

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Was che guevara communist?

Yes he was. But i heard he was a true communist meaning he wanted to create a government that was for the people's benefit and well being.

Name the book that explained the meaning of communism?

Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx, explains a communist revolution. Its seen as the blueprint to communism.

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Viet cong

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Encephalectomy means removal (-ectomy) of the brain (encephal-). A reliable cure for a communist.

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How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party

Were vietcong's communist or anti-communist?

The Viet Cong were definitely 100% Communist.

Is Gambia a communist country?

No, it isn't a communist country.

Who wasn't common to both fascism and communism?

There is pretty much no historical figure who was both a fascist and communist in the true meaning of those words. Some today consider the Chinese Communist Party to be a Fascist Government, but this mistakes the name "Communist" as having anything to do with Marxist Doctrine and mistakes Fascist as purely being authoritarian and corporatist as opposed to its ideological bases as well.

Why do communist government have communist economies?

There is no such thing as a Communist government or a Communist economy. Communism means no classes, no government, no money.

Is communist a verb?

No, the word communist is an adjective, a word that describes a noun, and a noun, a word for a person who holds communist beliefs or is a member of a Communist party. The term 'communist beliefs' uses the adjective communist to describe the noun beliefs.