Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk has now officially become the world's tallest man standing at a towering 8ft 5ins in tall.
Measuring an impressive 8ins taller than the previous record holder, Mongolia's Bao Xishun, it has long been suspected that Stadnyk should hold the official title of the world's tallest man.
The tallest building was and still is built in Dubai. The name of the building is Burj Khalifa. Its first name was Burj Dubai.
Well there is an exhibit at the st. Louis science center of the worlds' tallest man ever in St. Louis, MO also they have his baby shoes and the pair of shoes he wore before he died. But I don't recall his name or anything if that is what you were needing. You probably could look it up on the net. or go to your local library.
what are the fastest knockout in tough man history
History relates to the records of the activities of man that have been recorded (by man). Before history one moves into the realm of archeology. The geological era in which History first happened is called the Quaternary.
Robert Wadlow is the tallest man that died. Sultan Kรถsen is the the tallest man living.
The tallest man that ever lived was Robert Wadlow, 8 ft 11. he died when he was 23. He was a humongus giant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The tallest person recorded in recent history was a man named Robert Wadlow, who measured 8 feet 11 inches tall.
Leonid Stadnyk
The tallest person in recorded history was Robert Wadlow, who measured 272 cm tall (8 ft 11.1 in).
Muhammad Irfan (Pakistan), Height 7'1''
Robert Wadlow
i think it is a china man name Bi-shXo
The tallest recorded man in history was Robert Wadlow from the United States. He stood at 8 feet 11 inches tall.
The world's tallest man ever died years ago. His name was Robert Wadlow and he was 8'11.2" tall.
Sultan Kรถsen from Turkey is currently recognized as the second tallest man in the world. He holds the Guinness World Record for being the tallest living man.
The world's tallest man is the (deceased) Robert Wadlow, who was 8'11.1".