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Timbuktu's population in the 1500's was 50,000 people.

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about 32,000 people today.

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Q: What is the population of timbuktu today?
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Timbuktu's population today?

Timbuktu's population today?

What is the exact population in Timbuktu today?


What is the population of Timbuktu?


What is the popualation in timbuktu today?

i dont no you tell me

What is some of Timbuktu's religon?

Timbuktu is in the country of Mali. In Mali, approximately 90% of the population practices Islam.

What cities are known to be cultural centers today?


What percentage of Timbuktu is Catholic?

Timbuktu is 99% Muslim, so the Catholic population is very small, less than 1%.

How many people visit Timbuktu each year?

Approximately 20,000 tourists visit Timbuktu each year, although this number can vary depending on factors such as security situation and travel restrictions.

How is the community of Timbuktu today different from the way it was from the 1400s to the 1600s?

They now have comdoms

How is the community of Timbuktu today different from the way it was between 1400s and 1600s?

now they have conbones

What hemisphere is timbuktu on?

Timbuktu is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the capital of Timbuktu?

There is no capital of Timbuktu (a city). It was the capital of the Mali Empire.