The United Nations predecessor organization was the League of Nations which was founded at the end of WW1 as a result of the Treaty of Versailles and managed to attract at its best the participation of 58 countries during 24 September 1934 and 23 February 1935.
The 1970s saw the birth of Master Charge, which became MasterCard.
un four is an oven in French
One briefly prominent style was ragtime, which was the immediate predecessor to jazz.
A matter of opinion: mine is that the UN's record in maintaining peace is, at best, spotty; however, the UN has helped countless millions of people in improved public health and related areas.
A world
The predecessor to the UN was the League of Nations.
predecessor of
The United Nations was founded to play a greater role in world affairs than its predecessor, the League of Nations, did.
The United Nations was founded to play a greater role in world affairs than its predecessor, the League of Nations, did.
The United Nations was founded to play a greater role in world affairs than its predecessor, the League of Nations, did.
Trajan was Hadrian's predecessor
There is no whole number without a predecessor. According to Peano's axioms, the number natural 0 has no predecessor.
The predecessor of -2 is -3.
Successor is the number that comes just after a particular number is called its successor.Ex: Successor of 823 is 824 , Successor of 3424 is 3425Predecessor is the number that comes just before a particular number is called its predecessor.Ex: 999 is the predecessor of 1000, 2367 is the predecessor of 2368Some more Example on Successor areSuccessor of 589 is 5903724 is 37255099 is 51007009 is 70104836 is 48376149 is 6150Some more examples on predecessor are495 is predecessor of 496999 is predecessor of 10007054 is predecessor of 70556825 is predecessor of 68263209 is predecessor of 32109998 is predecessor of 9999
The immediate predecessor to Unix was MULTICS.
The predecessor of the internet i commonly referred to ARPANET