The Halifax explosion is a defining moment in Canadian history because it is the biggest explosion in Canadian history, and more then 2,000 people were killed well over 9,000 injured (thats a lot for how small cities were back then). Also it is a defining moment because it brought a lot of help from other Canadian places, and Boston, who gave 3 million dollars in relief. The Halifax explosion is also a defining moment in Canadian history because it brought the war home to Canada.
December 6, 1917 9:04 am
i dont know? i want to know the same thing! xXx The Halifax Explosion opened Canada's eyes about the war, people on the Homefront (people in Canada) were devistated, the explosion claimed 1,900 lives and 9,000 were left injured, as well as flatening almost all the North end of Halifax to nothing, leaving halifax looking like a war zone. Canada ended up spending 18 million to repair Halifax. Halifax was one of the largest shipping ports at the time, it supplied mostly mulitia for the war from and to places like Britain.
Canada, United States, and the United Kingdom were the main ones, but there was a bunch of help/support from numerous other countries.
In 1917, the population of Halifax, Canada was about 50,000 people. Halifax has a land area that covers 2,119.77 square miles and currently has a population of 413,710.
The biggest explosion in history was the detonation of the Hydrogen bomb in the Bikini Atoll in the 1950s.
Fish, Halifax Explosion and the Friendlyiest people. Weather
Halifax Pop Explosion was created in 1993.
Halifax Explosion happened on 1917-12-06.
The Halifax Explosion occured in Halifax on the morning of December 6, 1917. The blast was the largest man-made explosion prior to the development of nuclear weapons.
The Halifax Explosion Happened On December 6 In 1917. You Can Remember The Year Because If You Know What Year The Titanic Sank, The Halifax Explosion Happened 5 Years After That.
On December 6, 1917 the second biggest man made explosion devastated the Halifax harbor.
ever herd of the halifax explosion? if not then google it plz!
The Halifax Explosion happened on december 6, 1917. This explosion was the second biggest man made explosion. The estimate number of victims is not exact but lingers around 2000 people.
the Halifax explosion
The Halifax Explosion occured in Halifax on the morning of December 6, 1917. The blast was the largest man-made explosion prior to the development of nuclear weapons.
The oldest survivor of the Halifax Explosion was Marion Smith, who passed away in 1996 at the age of 99. She was six years old at the time of the explosion in 1917.
The Halifax explosion occurred on December 6, 1917, when a Belgian relief ship collided with a Norwegian supply ship in the Halifax Harbour. The collision caused the ignition of the highly explosive cargo on board the Belgian ship, leading to a massive explosion that devastated the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia.