"African" is not a language. Africa is a continent that contains 54 countries and more than 2100 completely different languages. Some estimates place the number of languages at around 3000.
If you have any quesitons about African languages, you will have to specify the language.
The most prominent languages spoken in Africa are:
An African Creole is a language that is a mix between an African language and a completely unrelated language (usually French or English).
there is no "african" language. There are hundreds of languages in Africa.
from what language does the word plaid come from
ivory coast
The word chow seems to have come into the English language in the nineteenth century when India was colonized. The word meant food and that is what is means colloquially.
There is no such language as "African". The various countries in Africa speak more than 1500 different languages.
African isn't a language
The African word for stealth can vary depending on the specific language or dialect being referenced. In Swahili, a commonly spoken language in East Africa, the word for stealth is "ujanja."
Which language?
Bhaiya or Bhai
The word for elder brother in Yoruba is "ẹgbon".
"Ikanisa" in African Luhya language means "church" in English.
There is no language called African. Parfait is a French word meaning perfect.
There is no language known as 'african'
The equivalent of the word stand in African Luhya language is "yema".
The African Luhya word "amakhuwa" means Words in the English language.
The English word 'environment' can be translated in the African Swahili language. In this language it becomes the word 'mazingira'.