Accidentally showing bad manners because of cultural differences
it was slip n slide
Pharaoh meaning "Great House"
Trail and error
A four letter word for error can be slip.
It seems like there might be a grammatical error in the sentence. A clearer way to phrase it would be: "He ran so fast that he slipped on the slippery floor."
Yes, the word 'manners' is an abstract noun as a word for a type of behavior, a word for a concept.
An error A slip of the tongue A Freudian slip
that girl has great manners
The word "manners" is the plural form of "manner".
good manners=behavior
None Manners. Manners: Resectful, Gentle, Smiling. Shocking. None Manners: Unrespectful, Bad Behaviour, Affensive Language.
mistake, slip, error, blunder, lapse, oversight, indiscretion, failing, weakness, imperfection, flaw, deficiency, shortcoming, defect
The root word of "slippery" is "slip."
The African Luhya word for the English term 'slip' is "rereekhaa".
Yes, the word 'slips' is the plural form for the noun 'slip'; a word for an instance of slipping; an accident involving a fall; saying something unintentionally without thinking; an error in conduct or behavior; a place to dock ships between piers; a woman's undergarment; a pillowcase. The word 'slips' is also a verb: slip, slips, slipping, slipped.