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Q: What language is the great seal written in?
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Both Have language written

What document does the roman numerals on the great seal represent?

The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States depicts the numeral MDCCLXXVI, which is 1776, signifying the Declaration of Independence.

What has the author N R Tostevin written?

N. R. Tostevin has written: 'The first great seal of Charles II at Sausmarez'

What is golden seal herb called in Yoruba language?

Golden seal herb is called "Oloorun" in Yoruba language.

What bird is on the great seal?

The bald eagle is on the Great Seal of the United States.

What has the author J Roderick O'Flanagan written?

J. Roderick O'Flanagan has written: 'The lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of Ireland'

How is the great seal used?

The Great Seal of the U.S.A is used as an enblem today.

What has the author Robert Erwin written?

Robert Erwin has written: 'The great language panic and other essays in cultural history' -- subject(s): Language and history

What has the author Gabriel Seal written?

Gabriel Seal has written: 'Llewelyn Powys'

How is the great seal used today?

The Great Seal of the U.S.A is used as an enblem today.

In Gupta India many great works of literature were written in what language?


What is golden seal in Yoruba language?

Golden seal is not a native plant in Yoruba land, so there may not be a direct translation for it in Yoruba language.