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Four significant events actually. In relatively chronological order; firstly the fall of Granada, the last Moorish kingdom, and therefore important in signalling the completion of the Reconquesta; secondly the expulsion of Castilian Jews from Castile- which had social and economic ramifications for Spain; thirdly, Columbus' successful voyage to the West Indies, previously thought impossible and thus opening the rest of the Americas for discovery and eventual conquest; finally, 1492 saw Spanish language becoming the first of the Romance languages to have 'a grammar', written by the Andalusian linguist Antonio de Nebrija.

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15y ago
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16y ago

1488-The voyage around the cape of good hope by Bartholemew Dias. 1492-Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies. 1498- Vascoe da Gama discovers the sea route to India,around the cape of good hope. 1502- Chistopher Columbus reaches American mainland. 1519- First circumnavigation of the world by Ferdinand Magellan. 1519-1521-Conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.

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13y ago

Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue! and found out how to tie his shoe! and hung out with Chris Brown and corbin blue! do you know how to tie your shoe he asked the ocean that was blue? it said no i do not do! ask chris brown and corbin blue! so he did. can u... tie ur shoe?

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10y ago

Various things happened in the year 1522. For example, the English army attacked Brittany and Picardy from Calais. They looted the countryside.

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7y ago

the condom was invented the latex though a natural reusable one made out of bull hide

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9y ago

The following events: The Spanish drove the Muslims and Jews out of Spain.
Columbus's voyage began centuries of subjugation and extwermination of Native Americans

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