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there were 2 great roman empires, the Western Roman Empire, then when it fell the Byzantine (Eastern) roman empire. but when that fell to the Ottomans Russia was named the third rome mainly for its protection of orthodox christians who were fleeing the turks

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The term Third Rome was a claim in Bulgaria (n the 14th century) and in Russia (in the 15th and 16th century) that their state was the successor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which historians call Byzantine Empire for its period after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire) which was termed the "second Rome" This term was also used in Germany and in Italy in the 19th century.

Third Rome (or the second Constantinople) was first used in the 14th century by the Tsar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria who called his capital Tsarevgrad Tǎrnov (which was very similar to Tsargrad, the Slavic for Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire). Patriarch Callistus I of Constantinople called it "second both in words and deeds after Constantinople". After its fall to the Ottoman Turks some Bulgarian priests went to Russia and brought the idea of a Third Rome there.

Soon after the capture of Constantinople by Turks, Ivan III of Russia, who had married Sophia Paleologue. Sophia a niece of Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor, claimed that he was the heir of the fallen Empire. His state had also been converted to Orthodox Christianity in 989.Therefore, the Russians saw themselves as the upholders of the religion of the Byzantine Empire, which had been taken over by the Muslim Turks. In 1501 a Russian monk, Filofey, wrote an ode to Ivan's successor, Vasili III, in which he said that: "Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!"

The German Empire in 1871 also claimed to be the Third Rome, by claiming to be the successor of the Holy Roman Empire, which was a revamped version of the Carolingian Empire which had been established by Charlemagne and Pope Leo III. The popes were the Bishops of Rome

Giuseppe Mazzini, an nineteenth Italian nationalist who fought for the ending foreign domination in part of Italy and the unification of Italy and was opposed to the political power of the pope said: "After the Rome of the emperors, after the Rome of the Popes [the Papal States], there will come the Rome of the people." The newly created Kingdom of Italy was referred to as Third Rome by some Italian intellectuals.

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10y ago

The term Third Rome was a claim in Bulgaria (n the 14th century) and in the Kievan Rus' (in the 15th and 16th century) that their state was the successor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which historians call Byzantine Empire for its period after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire) which was termed the "second Rome."

Third Rome (or the second Constantinople) was first used in the 14th century by the Tsar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria who called his capital Tsarevgrad Tǎrnov (which was very similar to Tsargrad, the Slavic for Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire). Patriarch Callistus I of Constantinople called it "second both in words and deeds after Constantinople". After its fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks some Bulgarian priests went to Russia and took the idea of a Third Rome there.

Soon after the capture of Constantinople by Turks, Ivan III of Russia, who had married Sophia Paleologue, a niece of Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor, claimed that he was the heir of the fallen Empire. His state had also been converted to Orthodox Christianity in 989.Therefore, the Russians saw themselves as the upholders of the religion of the Byzantine Empire, which had been taken over by the Muslim Turks. In 1501 a Russian monk, Filofey, wrote an ode to Ivan's successor, Vasili III, in which he said that: "Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!"

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It would bring the spiritual light of Christian orthodoxy to the whole world.

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