Answer this question… A desire to destroy anything that could threaten communism in China
Publicity for their 'cause' ! They chose the targets to create maximum media coverage for their acts of terrorism.
In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler invented a gas engine that allowed for a revolution in car design.
Historians read the literary sources carefully and take clues from them. On the basis of such information, they try to create an understanding of the socio-cultural political set up and place it in the right context and time.
The king and his family tried to flee France but were captured.
for his big head
an air craft
you were
The major in Arts and Humanities allows motivated students to create their own.
This is false. The Industrial Revolution happened in America and nowhere else.
it was a religious movement and helped brake away from Christianity and create new beliefs.
to create a communist society
it was a religious movement and helped brake away from Christianity and create new beliefs.
Lord Baltimore was motivated both by the desire for profit and the desire to create a refuge for Roman Catholics who were still being persecuted in Protestant England.
In the Iranian revolution in Iran.
Middle class