If you're talking about roman numerals it means 16
X = 10
V = 5
I = 1
Louis XVI of France.
louis xvi along with his wife was guillotined
Louis XVI was considered a traitor by the people of France because of his oppression of the poor people. The nobility would work them but then not pay, with Louis XVI consent.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were moved to the Palace of Tuileries in 1791.
King Louis XVI reigned from 1774 to 1793.
XVI = 16
XVI = 16.16
Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.
Pope Benedict XVI was pope number 265.
XVI is the Roman numeral for sixteen.
The Roman numeral of XVI is equivalent to 16
The Roman numeral XVI represents the number 16
Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.
Pope Benedict XVI is the 265th pope.
X = 10. V = 5 and I = 1. XVI = 16.
16 = XVI