Sources of modern period are indegenious records,survey records,literary sources.Eg: manuscripts,coins etc:
Oral Tradition is often referred to as history that has not been written down. Depending on the context, such as in cultural anthropology and archaeology classes, the term for history not written down can also be prehistory, assuming it covers a time period before there were written records. In still another context, such as when describing details of everyday life of past peoples, it can be called the unwritten history - because it was during the historic period, but was not considered significant enough for anyone to write down.
Before records were kept, right now we are in History, and we keep records now.
we have oral history,written history,Archaelogy,Recorded Eye-witness Accounts,Art,Official records, history books. we have 8 types.
History-sheeter is a person who has a history of criminal records and has been to prison many times. There are some history-sheeters who could reform over a period of time and classified as A-Class history sheeters. Others who cannot be reformed are classified as B-Class history sheeter.
There are written records.
Prehistory refers to the time period before the invention of writing, while history is the time period after the development of written records. Prehistory is typically studied through archaeological and scientific methods, while history relies on written records as primary sources of information.
The period between 1908 and 1910 is a period of written history.
Ancient history refers to the period from the first written records - around 3600 BCE
According to the written records that survive from that period in our history, it would have been 1,600 ounces.
The period before written records is generally referred to as prehistory. This period encompasses the time before written language was developed, making it difficult to study and understand early human societies and cultures through written sources. Archaeology and anthropology play key roles in piecing together the history of this period through physical evidence and artifacts.
The time before history was written is called prehistory. It refers to the period before written records were kept and includes the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Archaeology and other scientific methods are used to study prehistoric societies.
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Ftfihg Jts