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What are Strolling Players: Strolling players were a part of Elizabethan entertainment. They went all over the country showing people plays for money which was probably about one penny per person! This was during the summer. When winter came the strolling players returned to London to make their income in a theatre that stayed in one place! In Tudor England groups of strolling players toured the country performing plays in barns and in the courtyards of inns. One of the most popular subjects of these plays was the story of Robin Hood. The English government did not approve of strolling players as it feared that strolling players were responsible for spreading diseases such as the plague so in 1572 a law was passed banning strolling players from touring the country. The only actors allowed were those employed by noblemen. During the next two years, four noblemen were given permission to start their own theatre companies. However, actresses were not allowed to join; the parts of women had to be played by young boys.

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Q: What plays did strolling actors act out?
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How did the tudors develop the theater?

Before theaters, strolling actors would go from town to town perform. The government at the time was not happy with some of the messages the plays gave. Spreading of the Plague was also a concern. Strolling actors were banned and Queen Elizabeth gave permission for a theater company to start and employ actors. Theaters were then built.

What were strolling players?

In Tudor England groups of strolling players toured the country performing plays barns and in the courtyards of inns. One of the most popular subjects of these plays was the story of Robin Hood. The English government did not approve of strolling players as it feared that strolling players were responsible for spreading diseases such as the plague so in 1572 a law was passed banning strolling players from touring the country. The only actors allowed were those employed by noblemen. During the next two years, four noblemen were given permission to start their own theatre companies. However, actresses were not allowed to join; the parts of women had to be played by young boys.

What is a person who plays violin in a restaurant called?

Pub musician. Strolling Musician.

What actors and actresses appeared in Strolling Between Mist and Light - 2014?

The cast of Strolling Between Mist and Light - 2014 includes: Haleh Darabi

How are films and plays the same?

They arent the same. Films are videos were actors act their role. Plays are when actors perform a story live on a stage.

When was The Strolling Theatricals created?

The Strolling Theatricals was created in 2005.

Who are the Two Gentlemen of Verona?

They are travelling actors that act out shakespeare plays.. they played in cambridge yesterday =] x

When was Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn created?

Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn was created in 1738.

What is Strolling?

if you mean like ''strolling through the park'' that means like walking at a normal pace.

Which term is connected to walking?

One term that is connection to the word 'walking' is strolling. Strolling is when you are out and leisurely walking.

What are the release dates for Strolling Minstrels - 1921?

Strolling Minstrels - 1921 was released on: USA: 23 October 1921