he collected taxes and stengthed the army from 1862 to 1866 ,he governed prussia without approval of the parliament
italy completed its unification by annexing rome
Confucious lived before the first unification. The first unification was in 246 B.C.E. and he was born in 551 to 479 B.C.E.
Peter the Great contributed most, including reving arts, building up the Navy, and moving the capitol from Moscow to St.Petersburg. Catherine the Great was also a leader that seeked to advance Russia, but wasn't taken too seriously, being a woman. A series of weak tsars afterwards resulted in Russia actually going backwards to feudalism.
Lenin was relentless in his belief that because Russia was a backward peasant nation that lacked technology, industry, and the accumulated culture required for surpassing the achievements of the Western capitalist countries. He believed the fate of his revolution was dependent upon of at least one of the advanced countries to have a communist revolution and come to the aid of Russia.
The kingdom of Two Sicilies
The kingdom of Two Sicilies
The unification of Russia was difficult because the independent states that were to be unified were under European control. These European powers wanted to keep it that way and fought to keep Russia from unifying them.
I. Grey has written: 'Ivan 3 and the unification of Russia'
The characteristics that enabled Russia, Austria, and Prussia to rise to power included the unification process.
the invasion of Russia
One obstacle to German unification was that Austria did not want a powerful neighbor. Religion was another obstacle, as well as individuals not wanting to lose their power.
The majority religion in Russia is Russian Orthodox Christianity.
the invasion of Russia
they kept it alive. amen
Nicholas II of Russia viewed hate for Jewish people and beliefs itself as a unification method for gaining supporters for his cause.