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the euphrates river

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Q: What river empties into the Mediterranean Sea?
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What is the name of the river that originates in the Appennine Mountains and flows through Rome to the Mediterranean Sea?

The tiber

What is biggest sea in world?

Mediterranean Sea (15197 ft) (4632 meters) .

Sea between india and africa?

The sea that is between Africa and Europe is the Mediterranean Sea.

What is The Mediterranean island contested by both Greece and Turkey?

Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Both Greece and Turkey have claimed to rules parts of the island or the whole island.

Where was the biggest flood in the world?

Probably the floods of the Yellow River in China are among the largest in the world, as measured by loss of life. In 1931, the floods killed between 1 and 4 million. In 1887, it killed between 1 and 2 million.It has a plainland upriver catchment, which stores rainfall, and also supplies huge amounts of yellow silt derived from loess. This load causes the river to be a depositional river, gradually building up the bed of the river, necessitating levees, but which are eventually under attack as the river bed rises..The Black Sea may have once been isolated from the Mediterranean during the ice ages when sea levels were low. It is suggested that about 5600BC, the sea levels rose sufficiently to allow the Mediterranean to flood into the black Sea. The flows may have been as much as 10 cubic miles per day for 300 days, but depending very much on the starting level assumptions. There certainly are relict shorelines about 100m below the present sea level.Possibly ancestral memories of this account for the Noah stories.cameron read it

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What sea does the Nile River empty into?

The Nile River empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

What river empties into a sea in Africa?

Several: Let's start with the World's longest, the Nile River that empties out into the Mediterranean Sea. Then there's the Congo River that empties out into the Atlantic Ocean, the Limpopo River that empties out into the Indian ocean, and countless others. !

The Nile River delta empties into what body of water?

The Nile river delta is located on the Northern end of the river which empties into the Mediterranean Sea. (^_-)

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The Nile River empties into the Mediterranean sea at the Nile Delta.

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The river in southern Europe that empties into the mediterranean sea is called?

Euphrates River

Where is the Nile River's mouth?

At the Nile River Delta which eventually empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

What part does the nile river empty into?

The Nile empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

What does of water does the Nile empty into?

The Nile River empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

What Nile delta empties into what bodies of water?

The Nile river delta is located on the Northern end of the river which empties into the Mediterranean Sea. (^_-)

What river delta empties into a lake sea or ocean?

The Nile River Delta is where the Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

In which country does the river nile meet the sea?

North-east Egypt into the Mediterranean Sea.