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Q: What river was La Salle looking for?
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What was Robert la sale looking for?

Rene Robert de la salle was looking for the Mississippi river.

What river did La Salle explore?

Robert La Salle explored the Mississippi River... Correct me if I'm wrong.

What river did Robert la salle explore?

Robert La Salle explored the Mississippi River... Correct me if I'm wrong.

Did La Salle claime the Mississippi River and its tributaries for the French?

La Salle claimed the Mississippi River and its tributaries for the French.

Which river river did la salle explore?

mississippi river

Why did la salle name the Mississippi river valley louisiana?

La Salle named the Mississippi River valley Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV.

River explored marquette joliet la Salle?

The Mississippi river.

Rene Robert cavelier sieur de la salle what was he lookin for?

he was lookin for the Mississippi river But not only was he looking for the Mississippi river but pesilvania

What was the exploration purpose for la salle?

While looking for the Northwest Passage, Robert de la Salle explored the Mississippi River and the region around it in the late 1600s. He claimed this land for France. He also explored the Ohio River.

Robert La Salle founded?

The Mississippi River

Explored Mississippi river?

Robert La salle

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La Salle.