Newton, Herschel, Darwin, Rutherford, Thomson, Kelvin, P.A.M. Dirac
There are 3000+ people buried in Westminster Abbey.
Sorry, i know this doesn't help, but... Oliver Cromwell was buried when he died, but he was then dug up and hanged from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon, he was then beheaded and his head was stuck on a spike which was then knocked down in a storm it then passed along to many different owners but was finally sold to Cambridge university who put it in a biscuit tin and buried it somewhere in the grounds!
Westminster Abbey
Many people have been buried in Westminster Abbey (formally known as The Collegiate Church of Saint Peter at Westminster). Among these are monarchs/royals, and poets. For a complete list of who is buried there, try one or both of the following links:
Harold Godwinson
Westminster Abbey
There are 3000+ people buried in Westminster Abbey.
Sir Isaac Newton is buried in Westminster Abbey, London. He is buried in the nave of the Abbey, near the entrance to the choir stalls.
Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey.
He is buried in Westminster Abbey, in London.
Westminster abbey
Henry Purcell is buried in Westminster Abbey in London, England. He was laid to rest in the north aisle of the organ screen.
Geoffrey Chaucer was buried in Westminster Abbey, located in London, England. He was interred in what is now known as the Poets' Corner of the Abbey, a section dedicated to famous literary figures.
King Henry VIII was not buried in Westminster Abbey. He was buried in St. George's at Windsor Castle because this is what he asked to be done with his body after his death.
No, he is buried in Westminster Abbey.