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I believe it was WWII. Over 12 million Russian lives alone. Don't rule out the black plague of Europe. You should post that question to a rpofessor of history I think you'll get better results

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Q: What single event in history has claimed the most lives whether natural disaster or by war?
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Three parts or factors that makes a country's history?

A country's history can be made up by many things, some of which include past conflict, whether or not the country was ever a colony, and the government ideology in place.

Who was the first explorer to make history?

That would depend on whether that explorer,s history is to be recorded or inferred. Inferred = The first humans to leave Africa made history by beginning the human colonization of the planet. I believe one of the oldest recorded historical tale is that of Gilgamesh.

How do you know about the past?

If you look back on the past, you can see what kind of mistakes mankind has made. We can see what all happened leading up to that point. If we familiarize ourselves with history, we can avoid making the same mistakes again. This is true for different types of history, whether it's your own history or the history of a nation.

History written by a foreign historian?

Fernand Braudel, Civilization & Capitalism, 15th-18th Century (3 vols) remains probably the best place to start, whether it's to work forward or back.

Who had written the First history book?

Herodotus, a Greek author, known as the 'father of history' was born some time in the 5th century B.C. his book history, describing the wars between Greece and Persia is generally considered to be the first deliberate attempt to see the events of the time against a historical background. 'I am giving', he says,' the results of my inquiries (historiai) so that the memory of what men have done shall not perish from the world nor their achievements, whether of Greeks or of foreigners, go unsung. They form my theme, and the cause why they went to war'.

Related questions

Is there a natural disaster word starting with f?

Fire and flood are both natural disasters that start with 'f'

Is volcano a natural disaster?

A volcano is a natural phenomenon, but the eruption of a volcano can sometimes result in natural disasters such as lava flows, ash fall, pyroclastic flows, and mudflows. So, while the volcano itself is not considered a natural disaster, its eruption can lead to disastrous consequences.

Are fake gods mad after a disaster?

Depends on whether or not they caused it.

Is hellfire a natural disaster?

No. Hell is a place of torture that Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe is the fate of sinners after death. Hellfire is not something seen in the physical world, and whether or not you believe it exists depends on your religious beliefs.

Will FEMA reimburse for a generator?

Whether or not FEMA will reimburse an individual for a specific purchase depends on whether or not there was a disaster declaration in that jurisdiction.

Will FEMA reimburse for a power generator?

Whether or not FEMA will reimburse an individual for a specific purchase depends on whether or not there was a disaster declaration in that jurisdiction.

Will we go extinct soon?

While it is possible that humans will become extinct, that happening in the near future is unlikely unless a war or huge natural disaster occurs. No one can predict with any hope of accuracy whether this will happen "soon."

South American country claimed by Cabral for Portugal?

Brazil is the South American country claimed by Cabral, for the Portuguese King. It was not clear whether his landing was accidental or not.

Is weather a natural disaster?

No. Weather is simply the current the status of the atmosphere at a given time and place. Weather includes the temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, whether it is raining, snowing, sunny, cloudy, or stormy. Weather can produce natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and droughts, but most of the time it does not pose and significant risk to life or property.

Why did Queen Elizabeth not marry while holding the throne?

She claimed that she was 'married to her country'. Whether that is the real reason is unknown.

How much can you earn to get a full refund from taxes?

That's impossible to say. It depends on your deductions, exemptions (dependents), what credits you are eligible for (EIC, child tax credit, additional child tax credit, saver's credit, making work pay credit), which of the 250 million different education benefits you are eligible for, whether you lived in a natural disaster zone or took in a refugee from a natural disaster zone, where your income was from (capital gains, qualified dividends, self-employment), and a whole list of other factors too large to list or remember.

When is an event a disaster?

An event is considered a disaster when it causes significant damage or disruption to a community, resulting in the need for external assistance for recovery. This could include loss of life, widespread property damage, and severe economic impact. The scale and severity of the event often dictates whether it is classified as a disaster.