Different people affected the Church at different times. Possibly most consistently in the West it was the Pope, and in the East it was the Patriarch of Constantinople. Other people who had profound influence included Kings of Franc and Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. If there was a single person outside the Church of the Middle Ages who had the greatest effect on the Church, it might have been the Islamic prophet Muhammad, but people might disagree.
nothing nothing.
Rousseau's mostly direct influence was immediate and on the French Revolution. His ideas of legitimacy through the people, support of a republic, and the use of government to manifest the General Will had a profound impact of how organisers and revolutionaries structured their movement and led the Revolution.
Japan maintened its policy isolation for more than 200 years .Isolation ad a profound effect on japan.Without outside influence , Japanese culture turned inward.Still, art and literature spread beyond the upper classes.Artists found new ways to interpret traditions.During this time ,internal trade boomed .Cities grew in size and importance,and some merchand families gained wealth and status By the early 1700's Edo(present -day Tokyo) had a million inhabitats, more than either London or Paris.
All things changed after World War 2. The world economy was affected, the world population was decreased by 71-72 million people. Technology, science, medicine, military science, space science (new concept) and political issues changed and improved. World peace was accomplished short of the Cold War problems. Atomic age was ushered in. Women's roles changed and improved.
importation of European diseases.
Contagious diseases had a profound impact on the Aborigines in Australia. European diseases like smallpox, influenza, and measles spread rapidly among the indigenous population after European colonization, leading to devastating consequences such as widespread illness, death, and population decline.
The aftermath of the plague created a series of religious, social and economic upheavals which had profound effects on the course of European history.
The opposite of profound is ignorant
Both the Protestant Reformation and the European Renaissance challenged existing authority and traditional beliefs. They both focused on individualism, humanism, and a shift towards critical thinking and questioning of established institutions. Both movements had a profound impact on European society and culture.
Shallow is an antonym for profound.
It is with profound sadness that I see what is happening in Japan.
A Profound Hatred of Man was created in 1996.
You can say: I am a profound thinker. - Hope this helped!=)
She contracted meningitis and suffered a profound hearing loss.
I'm not an expert on European history of that time, but in 1588 the Spanish sent a mighty Armada to attack and conquer England. At this same time John White was trying to organise a relief voyage for his colonists on Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina. His efforts were delayed until 1590 and one of the reasons may well have been that in anticipation of the Spanish attack all shipping in England was retained for the defence of England. The colony failed. So did the Armada.
You would have to be a profound thinker to solve word problems.Barack Obama had a profound effect on the US government.His sycophants thought that his every sentence was a profound statement.Definition:1. Penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.2. Originating in or penetrating to the depths of one's being; profound grief.3. Being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious: profound insight.4. Of deep meaning; of great and broadly inclusive significance: a profound book.5. Pervasive or intense; thorough; complete: a profound silence.6. Extending, situated, or originating far down, or far beneath the surface: the profound depths of the ocean.7. Low: a profound bow.