George Clemenceau
Saar was the new state that was created between France and Germany in World War 1.
"I am the state". This means he sees himself as an absolute ruler who wanted to control France without anyone else's help.
If you are referring to the period of colonization and colonialism, certainly one of the first was the United States of America, which declared its independence from England in 1776; the Americans fought and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1781). Another early country to declare independence was Haiti, which gained its freedom from France in 1804.
A colony refers to a puppet country that has no independence. A state refers to a country headed by the president and with independence.
A colony refers to a puppet country that has no independence. A state refers to a country headed by the president and with independence.
A colony refers to a puppet country that has no independence. A state refers to a country headed by the president and with independence.
New France (currently the Canadian State of Quebec) was a French colony.
It was signed in Philadelphia, PA at the state house.
He represented Pennsylvania .
In the 1700's it wasn't Independence Hall, but the state house. It would have been paid for by the colony and the crown.
haha im in that class too
He did not represent a colony because he was only nine when Independence was declared. He lived in Massachusetts and represented that state in Congress.
The United state
In 1775, New Hampshire was the first colony to declare its independence from oppressive laws and taxes levied by the British crown.The first colony to declare their independence from England was Rhode Island.North Carolina declared a month before Rhode Island.
The first settlement in the state of Maine was founded in 1604. This colony was established by Samuel de Champlain who claimed it for France.