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Top 50 'typically British' traits

1. Talking about the weather

2. Great at queueing

3. Sarcasm

4. Watching soaps

5. Getting drunk

6. A love of bargains

7. A love of curtain twitching

8. Stiff upper lip

9. Love of all television

10. Moaning

11. Obsession with class

12. Gossiping with neighbours over the garden fence

13. Obsession with the traffic

14. Enjoying other people's misfortune

15. Inability to complain

16. Love of cheap foreign holidays

17. Working long hours

18. A soothing cup of tea to ease worries

19. Eating meat and two veg

20. Looking uncomfortable on the dance floor

21. Feeling uncomfortable when people talk about their emotions

22. Clever sense of humour

23. Obsession with property values

24. Pandering to political correctness

25. Road rage

26. Being unhappy with our weight

27. Wanting a good tan

28. Being proud of where we live

29. Not saying what we mean

30. The ability to laugh at ourselves

31. Washing the car on a Sunday

32. Taking the mickey out of others

33. Asking people about their journey

34. Inability not to comment on how other people bring up their children

35. Jealousy of wealth and success

36. Being overly polite

37. Texting instead of calling

38. An inability to express our emotions

39. Obsession with the Royal Family

40. Fondness for mowing the lawn

41. Love of rambling through the countryside

42. A love of all things deep fried

43. Emulating celebrity lifestyles

44. Leaving things to the last minute

45. Irony

46. Keeping our homes neat and tidy

47. Take decisions and accept the consequences

48. Achieving against all odds

49. Wanting our sportsmen / teams to fail

50. DIY on a Bank Holiday

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Q: What things are typically british?
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Continue Learning about World History

Which nation or nations would the british be most likely to come into conflict with in the New World?

The most likely nation that british would come to is the one that has the most wanted things in their nation because british does not have many things to live from.

What was the result of the land shortage in the British colonies?

There were a number of things that happened as a result of a land shortage in the British colonies. People fought for the land available for example.

Why did the british spend money invading an empire?

they wanted more power and to steal things from other countries

How did the British Empire not benefit its Empire?

I think it is fair, at least I hope it is, to say that Britain did well for the Empire. I also hope that those who were subjected to British rule, for as long as it lasted, do not feel that the British are too bad a lot. I am British, but I do not see myself now as a master of anything other than a small piece of real estate in UK. It was the way things were then. I am not going to be apologetic about what the British did, yes, we didn't get it right all the time. But it is the thrust of my point that there have been many, far worse Imperial powers in history. In some instances Britain did benefit its colonies. And if all you think we did was to spread Cricket & Christianity then there are worse things than those in this world.

Why did countries join World War 2?

Typically it was because they were the aggressor or because they were being defensive. For a couple countries, such as Canada and Australia it was because they were part of the British Commonwealth and were obligated to assist in the defense of England.

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Is british supposed to be capitalized?

"British" is typically capitalized when referring to people or things from Britain or the United Kingdom.

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The abbreviation BPX can stand for many things. Typically, the abbreviation BPX stands for things such as Broadband Package Exchange and British Parcel Express.

British Things lyrics from Horrible Histories?

VIC: I love to be a British Queen I am Victoria, you see Now where's my British butler, with my British cup of tea? BUT: Tea is not from Britain, ma'am From India it was brought, Yes, for your cup a-thousands died And many wars were fought. VIC: British things, B-British things It seems that tea is not BUT: British things, B-British things Can I sweeten it a jot? VIC: Do tell me sugar's British though? BUT: No, it's Carribean imported For sugar in your cup of tea, Slavery's been supported I know it's wrong, your Majesty, But slaves in Africa, Work hard in fields of sugar cane, To sweeten up your char (?) BOTH: British things, B-British things, I thought that there were many, British things, B-British things, BUT: Afraid there's hardly any. You know your British cotton vest? VIC: What's wrong with it, explain? BUT: The cotton's from America, And picked by VIC: slaves again, BUT: Your empire's built on fighting wars, That's how your income's swollen, Your British things are from abroad, And most are frankly stolen, BOTH: British things, B-British things, I thought that there were many, British things, B-British things, It seems there's hardly any. VIC: Whatever next? Go on, pray tell, BUT: Our British Queen is foreign as well? VIC: It's true, I am of foreign descent, BUT: And your husband, Albert, VIC: A German gent. At least I've got a British name, BUT: Victoria's Latin, VIC: That's a shame! BOTH: British things, B-British things, There are none, we declare. All our favourite British things Seem to come from elsewhere...

What is the difference between English and british bulldogs?

Typically the British bulldog is larger.

How do british spell aging?

British English typically spells "aging" as "ageing."

What are the lyrics to British things in horrible histories?

The lyrics for "British Things" on Horrible Histories are as follows: Victoria: I love to be a British Queen, I am Victoria, you see, Now where's my British Butler, With my British cup of tea? Butler: Tea is not from Britain ma'am, From India it was brought, Yes, for your cup a thousands' died, And many wars were fought. Victoria : British things, my British things, It seems that tea is NOT, British things, my British things, Butler: Can I sweeten it? A jot? Victoria: Do tell me sugar's British though? Butler: No, it's Carribbean, imported. For sugar in your cup of tea, Slavery's been supported. I know it's wrong, your majesty, But slaves in Africa, Worked hard in fields of sugar cane, To sweeten up your char Victoria: British Things, Both: Our British things, Victoria: I thought that there were many, Both: British things, our British things, Butler: Afraid there's hardly any... You know your British cotton vest? Victoria: What's wrong with it, explain, Butler: The cotton's from America, And picked by - Victoria: Slaves again. Butler: Your empire's built on fighting wars, That's how your income's swollen, Your British things are from abroad, And most are, frankly, stolen. Victoria: Whatever next? Go on pray, tell, Butler: Our British Queen is foreign as well? Victoria: It's true, I am of foreign decent, Butler: And your husband Albert? Victoria: A German gent! (softer) At least I've got a British name, Butler: (spoken) Victoria's Latin. Victoria: (yelled) That's a shame! Both: British things! British things! Victoria: There are none we declare! Butler: All our favourite British things, Both: Seem to come from elsewhere Hope this helps you!

What pudding is typically British and not sweet?

black pudding

What could a British girl get an American girl that was typically British?

what ever my fellow brit would like.

When did the British come in things fall apart?

The British enter the plot of Things Fall Apart a year after Okonkwo's exile begins.

What time is it in British Columbia when it is 1 AM in London England?

When it is 1 AM in London, England, it is typically 5 PM in British Columbia, Canada. The time difference between London and British Columbia is typically 8 hours, with British Columbia being 8 hours behind London.

How can a girl act like a boy?

Liking the same types of things that boys typically do and not liking the things that girls typically do.

What is a Lover of things British called?
