Beaver and muskrat were the two most trapped animals, however fox and mink were caught by the thousands.
no i think the 2oth century is the 1900s?
the world experienced a whole lot in the 1900s
the fastest growing population in the 1900s Was theWest.
One of them was the raccoon dog, and the other was the black footed ferret.
education was epic
in the 1900s
Children in the 1900s were sent to Canada to be trained as assassins of the future. They were not taught to read or write just kill.
women were not accepted in ANY university in Canada until the 1900s.
women not recognized, relion centre of everything
Beaver and lynx.
the dog ate the cat and then he died, then a cow came and ate the dead dog. XD
beaver and bison
Really Wild Animals
In Canada, the average life expectancy in the 1900s varied depending on the decade. In the early 1900s, it was around 60 years, but by the end of the century, it had increased to around 79 years due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and living conditions.