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Cree Indian women wore long dresses with removable sleeves. Cree men wore breechcloths and leggings. The Crees also wore moccasins on their feet and cloaks or ponchos in bad weather. Later, Cree people adapted European costume like blouses and jackets into their own style using beadwork, embroidery, and ribbon appliques. Here is a photograph of a Cree buckskin jacket, and some photos and links about Native American clothes in general.

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10y ago

The Woodland Indians wore clothing made from deer hide, moose hide, bear pelts, and beaver pelts. The men would wear shirts and pants, boots, and robes. The women wore dresses, robes, and moccasins.

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12y ago

The Ojibwa wore Light, breech clothing and dresses made from animal skin and fur. they decorated it with beads.

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