Jamestown was from the English colony
The cash crop that the colony Jamestown had was tobacco.
There were no slaves in Jamestown in 1607. The first slave into the colonies was in 1619.
Eager to move beyond the mysterious disappearance of the first settlement of Roanoke, Jamestown was established in 1607. It became the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. It served as the capital of Virginia Colony from 1616 until 1699.
There was a significant amount of money that backed the colony at Jamestown. That helped in its success, but the main crop of success was tobacco.
john smith
*because they work together
Those would be pilgrims coming from New Zealand and Slaves.
John Smith, who did not let people eat unless they work, was the leader of Jamestown.
English people lived in Jamestown but they were not pilgrims that lived in Jamestown
john smith
one thing that played a part was that the people who first arrived in Jamestown were people who didnt know how to farm and work the land they were more like business man
they had gone on Jamestown in 1607
No, most people died of starvation. Then John Smith came to Jamestown and said that if you didn't work, you wouldn't eat. This meant that if you didn't work in the garden or in other places you would get food from, you weren't allowed to eat anything. This rule encouraged people to work, so less and less people died.
they didnt work becuz they felt that people lower than them had to do their work for them. they wanted gold but they didnt want to look for it themselves.
Hehelp the colony of Jamestown by making them work for what they want. He was helping them get food but when he left, people started to die because they suffered without him .
1,234 people lived in Jamestown