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In 1486 II (King John II) assigned Dias, a member of the royal court, to command a voyage with both spiritual and material aspirations: Dias was to search for the lands of Prester John -- a legendary Christian priest and African king -- and challenge the Muslim dominance of trade with Asia.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Bartolomeu Dias goal was to open a sea passage from Europe to India but first had to fing a passage around the tip of Africa. It was on his return trip he found the cape which, according to Dias, was to be named Cabo Tormentoso.

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15y ago

Bartolomeu Dias [c. 1450-May 29, 1500] may have gone exploring, for two reasons. Portuguese historians have described Dias as the member of a noble family that had a seafaring history. For they have identified, as his relatives, Dinis Dias and Joao Dias, both of whom distinguished themselves within the first half of the 15th century, off the coasts of Morocco and Senegal. And Portuguese historians have indicated that Dias was an early resident of the royal household, at the Royal Court of Lisbon. There, he finished the education that had been started by tutors in his family home. And there, he may have been a classmate to the future King John II [1455-1495], who was about the same age. The privileges of his socio-economic status, and the advantages of a top-notch education, made Dias a strong candidate for participation in the maritime plans of his monarch.

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14y ago

open a sea rout from Europe to India (but failed because he died trying to find the southern tip of Asia).

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13y ago

because king john 2 wanted him to find a trade route to india by going through africa.

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i dnt knw

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