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22nd January 1905 Bloody Sunday was march of working classes, lead by Father Gapon to the Winter Palace with the intention presenting the Tsar with a petition asking him to use his power to relieve their conditions. The Palace Guard panicked resulting in the crowd of women men and children being fired on. Around 200 people were killed and many more wounded. Although Nicholas II was absent at this moment in time it damaged his reputation as the "little Father" the guardian of Russia and its people, causing Farther Gapon to cry out " there is no God any longer there is no Tsar."
Over 100 workers were killed and some 300 wounded.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Caused workers throughout Russia to call strikes.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Russian Bloody Sunday happened in January of 1905.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Just outside the Winter Palace In St Petersburg

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Q: What was Bloody Sunday in Russia in 1905?
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Tsar Nicholas II Romanov was the reigning Tsar on "Bloody Sunday" in Russia in 1905 in St. Petersburg.

What was the result of Bloody Sunday in Russia in 1905?

the Russian Revolution 12 years later

What was the date of Bloody Sunday in Russia?

Bloody Sunday was on the 22nd of January, 1905.

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There was no revolution in Russia in 1905. There was the Russian Bloody Sunday,but that was just a tragic event, not a war.

What was the result of Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg in 1905?

Caused workers throughout Russia to call strikes.

What was the date of Bloody Sunday?

There have been many days which have been called Bloody Sunday. In Russia, there was one on the 22nd of January 1905. In Ireland there was one on the 21st of November 1920 and another on the 30th of January 1972.

The 1905 massacre of protestors outside the czar's palace in St. Petersburg Russia is known as?

The massacre is known as Bloody Sunday.

Where did the Russian civil war take place?

In Russia. The Russian Revolution started in 1905 with Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg.

What is the significance of Father Gapon's march and Bloody Sunday in Russia in 1905?

Father capon led the protestors on the 22nd January in 1905 when they approached the gates to give the petition that was signed by over 150,000 people they were fired at and killed and this day was called bloody Sunday.

On Bloody Sunday in 1905 100 workers were massacred while peacefully trying to deliver a petition. In which country did this take place?
