Pedro Alvares Cabral married Isabel De Castro in 1503.
King Emanuel sponsored Pedro alveras cabral in 1499
Pedro Alvares Cabral was a Portuguese explorer, and is credited with discovering Brazil. His date of birth is not known. Cabral was born in Belmonte, Portugal in 1467 or 1468.
Pedro Alvares Cabral and his wife Isabel de Castro had 6 Children:Fernão Álvares Cabral António CabralCatarina de CastroGuiomar de CastroIsabelLeonor
Cabral died of unspecified causes, Historians seem to think that this most probably happened in 1520.
Isabel de Castro
he discovered brazil.
Pedro Alvares Cabral died on 1520
Pedro Alvares Cabral came from Portugal, Europe.
Pedro Alvares Cabral discover Brazil,Madagascar and Mozambique
Pedro Alvares Cabral married Isabel De Castro in 1503.
Yes, he was.