On Samuel de Champlians mission he was looking for a Northwest Passage.
Samuel champlian .................
Found Quebec. started a new colony in Quebec with European people. he also started a new fashion trend in Europe were with beaver skin hats. the natives got upset with him for killing the beavers because the beavers a were delicacy to the natives
samuel de chaplain was born in Brouage, France in 1570
Samuel de champlain was the french explore who named it da
It is a ship. It was sailed by Samuel De Champlain. It is also a beer.
Yes. he was successful
Samuel De Champlian
A port city called Quebec
he was born in 1567 and died 1635.
hélène boullé he married her when he was about 40 and she was only 12!
He had 0 kids but, he adopted 3 aboriginal children:)
i am just doing this because i need to find the answer i do not know the answer
Samuel champlian .................