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Examples include the five-year plans and collectivization. Many of his deeds can be success or failures depending on how you look at it. An example is his modernization program. He succeeded in modernizing the Soviet Union, but at a terrible human cost. So you can say he succeeded because the USSR is modernized or you can say he failed because he caused many to lose their lives.

The answer above deserves to be seen and the contributor gave a good honest answer, however, the question was about Stalin's failures, which many historians, and communists in Russia, would agree are legion. Here's why:

After Lenin's unexpected and premature death in 1924, Stalin soon earned the reputation of being one of the most powerful and murderous dictators in history. He became dictator by killing off all the other communist leaders that stood in his way. In terms of suggesting that Stalin succeeded because he modernized the USSR cannot hold water if the cost of modernization was the loss of lives. Modernization is never worth it at the cost of murdering people.

The first victims of the Bolsheviks were people against the Revolution. These people were bent on killing the Bolsheviks so it's to be expected that counter revolutionaries' lives would be lost and yes in the counter revolution, there were Bolshevik deaths. But now we must jump to 1924 when Lenin died and Stalin became dictator.

Stalin's forced collectivism of the Kulaks in the Ukraine and peasant Russian farmers cost millions of lives.

Stalin's next set of victims were Marxist - Communists who, like the murdered Leon Trotsky, once head of the Red Army, Stalin had to destroy. In the 1930's his rule even has a name "The Great Terror". Then anyone Stalin believed were his political enemies, were executed and this included mostly communists. Khrushchev himself admitted to signing off on the death warrants of 30,000 "enemies of the State".

In 1938-9 The British & French sought a treaty with Stalin against Hitler. Stalin chose instead to join Hitler in the German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact. The pact had a secret clause. If Germany was to invade Poland, Stalin could "occupy" the eastern half of Poland.

WW2 began and Russia occupied the eastern half of Poland. That was not the worst of it. As Gorbachev revealed in the secret KGB files in the late 1980's what Poland knew all along was true. The KGB took 15,000 Polish Army officers into custody and executed them all.

After WW2, The Soviet Union built what Churchill called the "Iron Curtain"

Almost 1/2 of Europe became communist nations. This was not some "popular" election, it was done with the armed force of the Red Army.

As we know, Stalin's body was removed from the tomb with Lenin in Red Square. They placed him in a wall somewhere. In 1960-1 Premier Nikita Khrushchev revealed to the Soviet Politburo all of Stalin's crimes against humanity and Stalin was condemned by the Party.

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12y ago

Stalin was an extremely clever person in using his power within the communist party. He took on many boring but important jobs such as commissar for nationalities and, of course General secretary. He was absolutely ruthless in picking off his rivals one by one. Stalin appeared to be a straight forward Georgian peasant much none of a man of the people than his intellectual rivals. To a soviet person weary of years of war and revolution, Stalin seemed to be the man who understood their feelings.

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13y ago

-Didn't listen to other people's Ideas and advices

- He was a egomentist Dictator government like Adolf Hitler

- Always believed that his ideas where right and everyone elses was wrong

- Had strict policies in Battle

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Stalin was persuasive he was a good dictator.

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