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Trotskyism was Leon Trotsky's philosophy that communism had to be achieved by permanent revolution in all countries. Karl Marx initially felt that no single country could survive as a communist country surrounded by capitalist countries and Trotsky agreed. Joseph Stalin believed that socialism )not communism at this point) should be firmly established on one country (Russia) first, then it could be advocated in others.

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Q: What was Trotskyism?
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What is the difference between trotskyism and marxism?

Trotskyism is a political ideology that developed from the ideas of Leon Trotsky, a key figure in the Russian Revolution, while Marxism refers to the political, economic, and philosophical theories developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Trotskyism emphasizes the importance of international revolution and permanent revolution, whereas Marxism focuses on class struggle and the eventual establishment of a classless society.

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Trotskyism is a strand of communist theory which does not have any real differences with the communism of people like Marx, Engels and Lenin. It does however, have a very great deal of difference with what people usually call communism, that is, Stalinism. One way they differ is on questions of democracy, Stalinism is of course very anti-democratic while Trotsky saw socialism and democracy as being inseperable.

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Forms of communism include Marxism, Marxist-Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, and Trotskyism. Stalinism is still practiced in North Korea, Vietnam practices a form of Marxist-Leninism, and the Shining Path guerrillas of Peru still practice Maoism.

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Who was the leader of the Red Army during the Russian civil war?

The most outstanding Soviet general in the Russian Civil War was Mikhail Tukhachevsky, who was made the first Marshal of the Soviet Union. His military thinking was in many ways ahead of his time. He developed Soviet paratroop units from c.1927 onwards, he stressed the importance of tanks and encouraged research into long range rockets already in the early 1930s. In 1937 he was accused of 'Trotskyism', tried in secret and shot. Working closely with Tukhachevsky was Trotsky, who was People's Commissar (Minister or Secretary) for War.

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