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In both areas, Europeans were mainly seeking economic gain for markets in their homeland.

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What common goal was shared by the US and European nation during the age of imperialism?

The industrialization of less-developed nations.

What European languages are spoken in Africa?

Afrikaans. It is an Indo-European language of the Germanic language family, and is closely related to (and sometimes mutually intelligible with) Dutch and especially Flemish.

Is imperialism a noun?

Yes, imperialism is a noun; a singular, common, abstract noun.

What was the common way for European slave traders to find slaves in Africa?

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The creation of extremely diverse African nations and Nonnative languages becoming common throughout Africa

What common goal was shared by the United States and European nations during the Age of Imperialism?

The industrialization of less-developed nations.

What was the most common way for European slave traders to find slaves in Africa?

They were purchased by African Slave Traders

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word imperialism?

The common folk revolted against the imperialism of the monarch.

Why are European languages common in many parts of the middle east?

Imperialism! France had colonies in North Africa and controlled Lebanon between World Wars I and II. England controlled Palestine between World Wars I and II. France and then Britain controlled Egypt for a century. Spain has outposts on the coast of Morocco. Italy controlled Lybia.

What factors caused imperialism in the 19th century?

imperialism was the taking over of a smaller or weaker nation or regional by stronger countries , which were later knwn as mother countries.imerialism lasted from the 1800s-1900s, this was most common in european countries, which started due to the need of balance of power ,nationalism, and economic motives.

What replaced common market in Europe?

What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.What was referred to as the common market is now the European Union.

How does American imperialism differ from European imperialism?

Japanese imperialism was largely dictated by the wish to control access to commodities and raw materials that Japan itself did not possess. Japan's occupation of the countries it occupied was charactarized by much random cruelty towards the indigenous peoples and a very strong military presence and oppression. Local people were often put to work and treated like slaves.European imperialism (that is, the period between 1880 and 1960) in almost all cases took the form of a minimal presence of "white" officials (although they had the top jobs) , the overwhelming majority of officials, police and army personnel and public servants being recruited from the local population. Only if a colony's location gave it a global or regional strategic importance there might be troops from the motherland stationed there, who were usually encouraged to keep to themselves.Contrary to common perceptions, the 'race for colonies' was largely dictated by considerations of status and power vis-a-vis other European powers and not dictated by the wish to control access to raw materials. At the time (around 1880) demand for them was only a tiny fraction of that of today anyway.Slavery did play a part in European imperialism, but completely different from what you might think. Slavery had been abolished by all European countries by 1860 at the latest, but it still was everywhere in Africa and Asia by the end of the century. In several countries of Africa and Asia a third of the population consisted of slaves, held by their countrymen. One of the first actions after colonizing a country at the end of the 1800's usually was abolishing local slave holding and slave trade.