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In 1789, the French Revolution began with mobs stormed the Bastille on July 14 of 1789. In 1793, the king of France Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were executed. The year 1793 is also the start of what was called â??the reign of terror", a period that saw the execution of thousands of French people.

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12y ago

1789 July 14 The_French_Revolution, the storming of the Bastille. 1793 January 21 King of France Louis_XVIwas executed by guillotine. The National_Conventionhad taken over a few months earlier. Revolutionary Paris took over the National_Convention, beginning political purges known as the Reign_of_Terror. October 16 Queen of France Marie_Antoinettewas executed by guillotine. 1795 November 2 The French_Directoryseized power over the National_Convention.

1804 Napoleon_I_of_Francewas declared Emperor , the beginning of the First_French_Empire.

1815 June Hundred_Days: Battle_of_Waterloo: Napoleon is defeated by Seventh_Coalitionarmies, definitively ending the First_French_Empireand the Napoleonic_Wars, and marks the start of almost half a century of peace throughout Europe. With Napoleonexiled in Saint_Helena, the House_of_Bourbonwas again restored. Louis_XVIIIbecame King of France until his death on September 16, 1824.

1851 Exactly one year after his French_coup_of_1851, president Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte becomes Napoleon_III_of_France, ending the Second Republic and creating the Second_French_Empirewith him as dictator.

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16y ago

pierre de fermat was born in 1601 and died in 1665 in france.

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10y ago

It would depend on your point of view. What one person considers important another may not.

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13y ago

Hundred Years War, Wars of Religion, Louis XIV's wars, The Revolution, Napoleon I's wars, industrialisation, the Paris Commune, two World Wars, European integration.

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14y ago

The overthrowing of the state prison at Bastille, was one of the main events as the prison was a symbol of monarchy. the prisoners were set free and the fire for revolution ignited.

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