The main result of Zheng He's voyages was the expansion of China's overseas trade.
year 1433 after his 7th voyage
Zheng He died in either 1433 or 1435 (correct date is not known) and was born in 1371. He died in India during his 7th voyage. I don't know how He died though.
why did zheng he want to discover the places that he didwhy did zheng he want to discover the places that he did
Zheng He is a china word for Agreement.
Zheng He's voyages in the 15th century were part of China's efforts to establish diplomatic relations, showcase its power and wealth, and expand trade networks through the Indian Ocean. Zheng He was also tasked with collecting tribute from foreign rulers as a way to demonstrate China's superiority.
in 1888
Zheng He died in Calicut, India while on his 7th voyage.
The cause is the Chinese invention of the magnetic compass. The effect is the voyage of Zheng He. The invention of the magnetic compass allowed Zheng He to make his voyage.
Zheng He's first voyage was in 1405.
because yong le was a friend to zheng he
because yong le was a friend to zheng he
i dont know
The main result of Zheng He's voyages was the expansion of China's overseas trade.
year 1433 after his 7th voyage
Zheng He's voyages helped Chinese trade grow by giving them land to grow crops.
Zheng He died in either 1433 or 1435 (correct date is not known) and was born in 1371. He died in India during his 7th voyage. I don't know how He died though.