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Many of the wealthy in Australia continued life like they always had, enjoying private parties and dances, horse races, ocean voyages and fashion parades. Their ignorant beliefs were that extreme poverty was caused by laziness and lack of good character, rather than an economic depression. In Sydney, the wealthy believed that camps for the unemployed on Sydney's foreshore were hideous, and that to allow them to stay there for months was insanitary and unsafe to the general public. They asked what right they had to reside in Sydney.

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Your Mom I'm an Aussie. Your Mum.

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Q: What was life like for the wealthy in Australia during the great depression?
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How many wealthy people went poor during the great depression?

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Who was the Australian president during the Great Depression?

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Did they have bicycles during the great depression?

Yes, there were bicycles during the great depression.

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Annie is set during the Great Depression in New York City. Accents used would be from the wealthy and poor who lived in New York during that era.

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