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Q: What was one reason for the great diversity of native AMerican groups?
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One reason why groups of Native American Indians often developed different cultures was that each group?

They adapted to their environment in different ways.

What were the most likely reason that the French and British made alliances with native American groups in the early 1700s?

The hope for gems and minerals was most likely the reason that the French and British made alliances with Native Americans in the early 1700s. The French and British hoped to enslave them if needed.

What group had the most reason to be concerned about the idea of manifest destiny?

Native American's in the West.

What were the most likely reasons that the French and british made alliances with Native American groups in the 1700s?

The hope for gems and minerals was most likely the reason that the French and British made alliances with Native Americans in the early 1700s. The French and British hoped to enslave them if needed.

What two elements contributed to the decline of native American village life in the earliy 1800s?

manifest destiny of the US. and Native American assassinations for no apparent reason.

What were the most likely reasons that the French and British made alliances with native American groups in early 1700?

The hope for gems and minerals was most likely the reason that the French and British made alliances with Native Americans in the early 1700s. The French and British hoped to enslave them if needed.

What was one reason African slaves were needed in the American colonies?

Most Native American slaves died from disease or overwork

What was the reason for the native americans migrating?

1. Some groups of Native Americans were nomadic and traveled with certain animal groups/herds/etc for food and resources. 2. Another reason would be when groups from Europe and Asia came and forced them off of their native land so they could take the land as their own. They also made the Native Americans live on reservations.

How much Native American do you have to be to live on a reservation?

No you don't. have to be Native American to live on the reservation and you don't have to be a descendant of a Native American on the reservation but you do have to know a Native American who's living on the reservation or have another reason to live on the reservation knowing somebody else it's quite dangerous for white folks to try and live on the reservation without knowing a Native American

Why Mexican coming to US?

Unless you are a native american, go ask to your parents or grandparents. It is the same reason.

What do you think is the reason for the lack respect for Native American in our society?

Their color/ they were there before anyone else in America

Did the native Americans leaders have conflict with each other?

Yes, some Native American tribes did fight with other Native American tribes. Some tribes even kept other Native Americans as slaves or hostages and destroyed villages.