The SOUP KITCHEN was a places where food is offered free to the needy. And BREAD LINES was a lines of people waiting to receive fodd provided by charitable organizations or public agencies..
Al Capone
Coarse bread, bean or pea soup and porridge. If they were lucky they got a roasted chicken or rabbit once a month.
German food in the late 19th century are mostly potatoes and bread. These food are always eaten almost everyday at that said period but sometimes they do eat other foods like flour soup and fresh vegetables.
In 1885 there were school dinners: Free dinners were A cup of cocoa or soup made from boiled meat bones. Farthing dinners were Soup, bread and jam. Penny dinners were Boiled pork,meat pudding, vegetables. Lots of children had packed lunches still.
Caviar, borsh, cold soup and kasha.
A soup kitchen is somewhere where someone without enough money to bye food can go to get a hot meal. Such as hot SOUP and bread.
The soup kitchen provides mainly soup and bread, as the name states. Both the people and the kitchen soup get their food free or lower than the market charges. For additional details, check out the related links below.
soup kitchens
Charities and public agencies ran the soup lines during the Great Depression.
isprikitic eklabush
soup kitchens
The depression made it so noone had enough money for food so in result the amount of shantytowns , soup kitchens and bread lines increased greatly.
Soup KItchen means that homeless people would go to a certain place then they would stand in a long line to wait to get a piece of bread or some soup or other different kinds of food.
isprikitic eklabush
isprikitic eklabush
"I bought a loaf of fresh bread from the bakery." "She likes to eat her soup with a slice of warm bread on the side." "The smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen."
No he did not make a soup kitchen!