A system in which gifts of land were given to a priest in the medieval Church when they were appointed in order to provide for everyday expenses.
the sugar fresh system
If you are talking about the seigneurial system of the Middle Ages, they are the same. There was also a seigneurial system of the French colony in Canada, which was different.
These land revenue systems are 1. Zamindari system, 2. Rywotari System and 3. Mahalwari System.
the Spanish social system based on ethnicity.
City System was created in 1988.
Yes, it is appropriate to say, 'in possession of a benefice'.
A benefice is a permanent Church appointment, which serves as a reward for services rendered. A sample sentence is: "The old man was granted a benefice for his years of service to the Church".
benefic, beneficent.
Stregone Benefice is a fictional character in the Witcher universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski, therefore he does not have an official age as he is not a real person.
Advowson is the right of presenting to a vacant benefice or living in the church.
Advowsonage is another word for advowson, the right of presenting to a vacant benefice or living in the church.
An advowee is a person who has an advowson, a right to present to a vacant benefice or to live within a church.
Church land granted to clergymen is referred to as a glebe.
the holding by a single person of more than one ecclesiastical benefice or office
One who aids another; an assistant; a coworker., The assistant of a bishop or of a priest holding a benefice.
An annate (or annat) is the first year's profits of a Catholic benefice, as traditionally paid directly to the Pope.
An annate (or annat) is the first year's profits of a Catholic benefice, as traditionally paid directly to the Pope.