Evolution Theory, Force Theory, Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory
Besides discovering the photoelectric effect, Einstein developed the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity, which are the basis for quantum theory and particle theory, and the formula E=Mc2 that indirectly led to the atomic bomb, nuclear power, and much of the current theory about the structure of the universe. Other than that, not much.
The divine right theory
Usually in a Monarchy form of Government. One Example would be King Louis XIV of France.
During the British rule in India the downwards filtration theory was adopoted in the country for imparting education. Filtration means coming of something to the botton from the top. i.e education from the higher class people to the lower classes or the general people.
The founder of filtration theory is Professor Darcy, a French engineer who developed the concept of Darcy's Law to describe how fluids flow through porous media such as soil. His work laid the foundation for understanding filtration processes in various fields such as hydrogeology and environmental engineering.
More filtration, more chlorine, balance pH, add conditioner, more filtration, more filtration and more filtration.
Because it is filtration........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Filtration is the removal of particles from a liquid.
Hypothetical is a word used to express that something is 'in theory'.Here are two example sentences that help to show this:'Hypothetically, the ball will roll downward if I place it on a sloping surface.''In theory, the ball will roll downward if I place it on a sloping surface.'
filtration, reabsorption and secretion.
Jasun Filtration was created in 1972.
filtration, reabsorption and secretion.