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the first open act of the French Revolution was the storming of the Bastille. Trust me I am an 7 th grade student at Crayton Middle School, and this is the correct answer from my aap history teacher.

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Q: What was the first open act of the French Revolution?
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What is a bloody period of the French Revolution?

The storming of the Bastille was particularly gruesome. It was during this event that the act of decapitating someone and putting their head on a pike, then parading it around the town square became popular.The guillotine was invented shortly thereafter, and was used frequently in the days and months after the Bastille had been stormed.The entire revolution was pretty bloody, really.

Were the French people fighting for their liberty during French Revolution Terrorists?

Some were, but the overwhelming majority were not. What makes a rebel a terrorist is when he attacks a civilian population with the intent that such an attack will cause a government to accede to his demands. A non-terrorist rebel typically attacks soldiers of the government he opposes. In the case of the French Revolution, the rebels opposed the French military, which would put them into the non-terrorist category. What makes a government a terrorist is when it brutally attacks or represses its own citizens. After attaining power, the rebels established a new French Republican Government with a "Committee for Public Safety". This committee, chaired by Robespierre was responsible for the Reign of Terror in which numerous French civilians were guillotined for minor offenses if any. This was an act of terror, and individuals like Robespierre may well be seen as terrorists.

What was the rallying cry of the Patriots during the American Revolution?

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

What are the seven issues that led to the American Revolution?

1.) the taxes that the british were making the colonist pay they found that it was not fair. 2.) the acts 3.)the Boston massacare

What did the british refuse to give up after the American revolution?

The British refused to give up the Boston tea and the stamp act, But later they were both given up.

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How does Jefferson describe his approach to foreign policy?

A sympathizer for the French Revolution, he was a supporter of foreign relations; open

What act did the French Revolution start with?

The storming of the Bastille.

What did Louis XIV act in the french revolution?

Louis XIV was not in the French Revolution, since he had died in 1715. I think you mean Louis XVI, his great-grandfather, though he did not act anything.

Did the Jacobins act properly in the French Revolution?

No, their stance was less then honorable.

What is the broken chain in the French revolution and tell me about different symbols of French revolution with explanation too?

A broken chain stands for the act of becoming free

What law did parliament pass to lower dept after the french and Indian revolution?

the sugar act

What did the french and Indian war and stamp act have in common?

they were both cause in the American Revolution.

What event was the first act of the french revolution?

Either you mean what was the first maneuver made in the war or the first of the tax acts passed by the British after the war. The first offensive was at Fort Dusquene. The first act passed was the Sugar Act.

What was the first act on the Road to Revolution that really drew Samuel Adams's attention?

the stamp act

How did establishment of the national assembly events lead to the french revolution?

On 17 June 1789 they voted to establish the National Assembly in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative How_did_the_establishment_of_the_National_Assembly_lead_to_the_French_Revolution. This vote was the first deliberate act of revolution.

How did establishment of the National Assembly lead to French revolution?

On 17 June 1789 they voted to establish the National Assembly in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government. This vote was the first deliberate act of revolution.

Why and what is the broken chain of french revolution?

chains were used to fetter slaves.a broken chain stands for the act of becoming free.hope u have got an idea with this answer and u can writeit in more words on your own....:) :)