to find a faster sea root to Asia, were they got tere spices and alot of gold but they also wanted t avoid getting atttacked by pirates so tehy didnt explore much, also they had many myths of sea monsters and that if you went to far away from home you would fall off the earth because it was flat which is not true. so that kept them from exploring until Columbus decided to try to go the opposite way to reach Asia by going around the world but instead he hit the carribean islands and no one knew he had discovered a "new world" until Amerigo Vespucci made a map of the coasts of the new world.
To reach Cathay (China) But instead reached Newfoundland.
He wanted to find a new route to Asia. Just as many other explorers were doing at the time.
His goal was to find a route to the rich spice trade of the indies and to explore the west coast of Africa.
I had enrolled myself for Cambridge esol classes around 2 weeks ago and since then my only goal is go perfectly learn everything as per the training and syllabus provided by the tutor at the earliest as have some other mandatory commitments the coming month so I believe that if one plans to join such classes then this kind of goal the person should set up with full and utmost firmness and conviction.
I think his goal what to find one of the Northwest passages.
to find riches and claim new land for their country
to find a trade route to Asia
They usually were explorers and looked for riches. Whenever they found a discovery they either kept it for themself or gave it to the country they orginated from.
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Oh, dude, math time! So, if they raised 22500 out of 25000, you just divide 22500 by 25000 to get 0.9. That means they've reached 90% of their goal. Like, they're so close, it's almost like getting an A- in math class - not bad, but could be better, you know?
improving Americas image
They wanted to get to the Far East.
A long-term goal is reached further in the future.
A long-term goal is reached further in the future.
Rosa parks reached her goal by building the schools she wanted:)
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