The issue of predestination was the major issue especially between calvinists and Lutherans.
The French Protestants were called the Huguenots.
edict of NANTES. Henri IV was a protestant prince who turned Catholic in order to secure the throne of France. After that was done, he issued the edict, which gave religious freedom to Protestants.
The buning of protestants started in 1555 England with Mary I.
system of goverment. good luck on study island. i love you sam. this is mallory. :D
protestants and catholics
The issue that divided them was that the federalist were in favor of a strong central government while the anti federalists were opposed to it.
Political issues are divided between two major parties.
Allaigance to orthodox church,reforms,allaigance to kingship etc.
It was split between Catholics and Protestants.
They were the major supporters of the Klan.
Most colonists were protestants.
becuz they were gay
Protestants and Catholics conflict in Ireland and France. They have had fights in other countries but they've had a major war in Ireland and France.
Gaelic and English. Catholicism and Protestants.
But it is water that is a major environmental issue.
which was a major issue that led to the . crimean war