the name of the ship is... i am sorry we don't have the answer for that but we will get it.
the bob ship
The name of the ship that Fransisco Pizarro commanded was the Piloto Mayor. The above statement is completely inaccurate. Piloto Mayor was the main pilot or navigator of Pizarro ship, not the name of the ship. There are no legitimate documented counts of the ships' names.
the crow's nest
Scott of the Antarctic's name is Sir Robert Falcon Scott. :)
Captain Scott was a British Naval Commander whose job it was to lead explorations into the southern polar world.
Scott used two ships, The Discovery and the Terra Nova.
the bombardment ship
Captain Scott sailed on two ships: the Discovery and the Terra Nova.
Captain Scott lead his expedition sailing in the Terra Nova.
Captain Robert Falcon Scott sailed in two different ships on his Antarctic expeditions, the Terra Nova and the Discovery.
Justin Scott
Captain Scott became a British Royal Navy Cadet at age 13 aboard his first ship, the HMS Britannia.The first ship he captained to Antarctica was the Discovery.
Captain Scott sailed the Discovery to Antarctica in 1901.