There were actually three boats. The Godspeed, the Susan Constant, and the Discovery.
the Duyfken
The English came to America by English ships. They built their ships and used them for long voyages.
It is a ship. It was sailed by Samuel De Champlain. It is also a beer.
The only name of a ship that I can find for Giovanni Verrazzano is the one he sailed on, which was called La Dauphine.
The Dumbo Ship
the Golden Hind
The Mayflower was the name of the ship that the Pilgrims sailed on. The Ship, before the Pilgrims' Voyage, was used predominantly as a cargo ship.
The HMS Beagle. (HMS means, His/Hers Majesties Ship )
The name of the ship that Jacques Cartier sailed on was Grande Hermine.
the Mayflower
the Mayflower
amerigo vespuchi
The Mayflower