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He was a musician.

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Q: What was the occupation of the father of the man who acted as counsel for Edmund Hampden in the Five Knights' case?
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What was the occupation of the father of the man who acted as counsel for Edmund Hampden in the Five Knights case?

He was a musician.

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What has the author Edmund Spenser written?

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Spenser' 'Amoretti, written and not long since' 'Faerie Queene' 'Spenser's minor poems' -- subject(s): Mesmerism 'The Faerie Queene, Book Six and the Mutabilitie Cantos' 'Faerie Queene the Mutability Cantos and Selections F' 'Prosopopoia' 'Shepheards calender containing 12 eclogues proportionable to the 12 months' 'Spenser selections' 'A View of the State of Ireland as it was in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: Written by Way of ..' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The Faerie Queene' 'Ireland Under Elizabeth and James the First' 'Faerie Queene' 'Poetry' 'The sonnets and poems of Edmund Spenser' 'Poems' 'Una and the red cross knight' 'Edmund Spenser : a selection of his works' 'The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition' 'The Complete poetical works of Spenser' 'Complaints' 'Foure hymnes' 'The fairy queen' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The shepheardes calendar' 'Selections from Spenser's The faerie queene' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'Complete works of Edmund Spenser' 'Book 2 of the Faery queene' 'Stories from the Faerie queene' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, English Romances 'The complete works of Edmund Spenser' 'The faerie qveen' 'The faerie queene, 1596' -- subject(s): Poetry, Knights and knighthood, Virtues 'The shepheard's calender' 'The Works of Edmund Spenser' 'The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes' -- subject(s): Binding 'Spenser's Faerie queene' -- subject(s): Poetry, Knights and knighthood, Virtues 'The poetical works of Edmund Spenser in six volumes from the text of J. Upton' 'The faerie queene, book II' 'The Mutabilitie cantos' 'View of the state of Ireland' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Description and travel, Early works to 1800, History 'Books I and II of the Faerie queene' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser Volume 5' 'The shepheardes calender, 1599' 'The complete poetical works of Edmund Spenser' 'Britomart, from Books III, IV, and V of the Feary queene' 'Selected shorter poems' 'The Faerie Aueene, disposed into twelve bookes fashioning 12 morall vertues, to which is added his Epithalamion' 'The adventures of the Redcrosse knight' 'Complete works in verse and prose' 'The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser V8' 'Fairy queen' 'The fowre hymnes' 'Spenser, selected writings' 'The faerie queene' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'The wedding songs of Edmund Spenser' 'The gateway to Spenser' 'Minor poems' 'Fovvre hymnes, made by Edm. Spenser' 'The shepheardes calender' 'Faerie Queene' 'Prothalamion, or, A spousall verse' 'Spenser's 'Faerie Queen'' 'The Faerie Queen' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The Faerie queene' 'Selections from the Faerie Queene (The Great Works)' 'Edmund Spenser' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY 'Prose Works of E. Spencer (Prose Works. Letters, Axiochus, a View of the Present State)' 'Shepherd's Calendar, The (BCL1-PR English Literature)' 'Edmu nd Spense' 'The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser Part Eight' 'The Yale edition of the shorter poems of Edmund Spenser' 'Fairy Queen 20-copy Multiple' 'Ireland, Under Elizabeth And James I' 'The faerie queene, book V. The legend of Artegall or of justice' 'Selections from the poetical works of Edmund Spenser' 'Faery Queene' 'The fairy queen' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'From 'The faerie queene'' 'Spenser's The faerie queene, book 1' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'Faerie Queene and Epithalamion (Swc 1126)' 'Selections from the Amoretti' -- subject(s): Love poetry, English, English Love poetry 'Poetry; authoritative texts [and] criticism' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation 'Sonnets and poems' 'Works' 'The Works of Edmund Spenser: With Observations of His Life and Writings' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Selected poetry' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Poetry 'The works of Edmund Spenser' 'Amoretti and Epithalamion' 'The Elfin knight' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'Complaints, containing sundrie small poems of the world's vanitie [by] Ed. Spencer [sic] London, 1591' 'The faerie queene' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'Knights and ladies' -- subject(s): Knights and knighthood, Poetry, Virtues 'Stories from the Faerie queene' 'The Faerie Qveene' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Books 1 and 2 of the Faerie queene, the mutability cantos, and selections from the minor poetry' 'Faerie Queene' 'Daphnaida and Other Poems' 'The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser V2' 'Spenser, The Selected Poetry of Edmund' 'Amoretti & Epithalamion' 'The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser' 'A letter of the authors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke' -- subject(s): Faerie Queene 'Poetical works' 'The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition (The Works of Edmund Spenser : a Variorum Edition, 8)' 'Books I and II of the Faerie queene, the Mutability cantos, and selections from the minor poetry' 'The Faerie Queene'

What has the author Edmund Hornby written?

Edmund Hornby has written: 'Sir Edmund Hornby'

What is the birth name of Edmund Gasinski?

Edmund Gasinski's birth name is Edmund Eubich.

What religion was St. Edmund?

Edmund was a Catholic.

When was After Edmund created?

After Edmund was created in 2001.

When was Edmund I born?

Edmund I was born in 921.

What is the birth name of Edmund Mortimer?

Edmund Mortimer's birth name is Olson, Edmund Mortimer.