Inciting counterrevolution
Well, he was acused of treason and the judges (who were all afraid of their own heads would soon be separated from their necks if they voted not guilty), voted guilty. At that time, all enemies to the revolution were executed. Mostly without trial, so the judges had every right to be afraid.
There was never any evidence found that Louis XVI was actually guilty of treason, so the trial was all hot air, and even beforew the trial even begun, the verdict was already clear: death penalty.
Now we know that Louis XVI was indeed guilty of treason, but only to save the lives of his children and family and the monarchy of which he was King. Louis XVI had always been a very good man and King. Unfortunately, the revolution blamed all that WA swrong in the country on the King and Queen and believed the only way to get a better life, was to end that of their monarchs so they would never be able to recapture the reign of France again.
The French would soon learn that they were wrong and the revolution was a disaster.
The French government had borrowed money to support the American Revolution.
XVIS (10+5+1+1/2 = 16.5)