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It was built because in 1844 the French had built an Industrial Exposition. This annoyed the British so they decided to build the 'Crystal Palace'. this was a revolution

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The main aim of The Great Exhibition was for Great Britain to show off, demonstrating its inventiveness and modern industrial designs and ideas to the rest of the world.

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What was held in the crystal palace?

The Great Exhibition of 1851.

What was in the great exhibition?

at the great exhibition they had on display : stalls, shops, thing to buy food places and etc.

Whose idea was it to build the great exhibition?

Prince Albert thought up the idea to have the Great Exhibition, it's purpose was to gather as many artefacts and inventions from all over the world to increase international trade. I hope this helps :)

Why was the Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London?

The Crystal Palace was built specifically to house the Great Exhibition of 1851

When did the gret exhibition open?

The Great Exhibition opened in 1851.

How many exhibits were there in the great exhibition?

In total, there were 13,000 different exhibits in the Great Exhibition of 1851

What was the name of the exhibit hall in London?

If you mean the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, it was the purpose built Crystal Palace in Hyde Park.

When did the great exhibition open?

the great exhibition was opened in 1851 by a man called prince albert.

Who fought in the great exhibition?

The "Great Exhibition" was an exhibition of technology and culture held in Hyde Park in London in 1851 for which a special glass building was constructed "The Crystal Palace". I do not see how "fought" has any relevance to the the exhibition.

Was the bicycle at the great exhibition?

The Great Exhibition was in 1851. The first bicycles didn't appear until the 1870's.

When was the great exhibition set on fire?

The Great Exhibition 1951 was not set on fire. However, (after it was moved to another part of London) the Crystal Palace used to house the Great Exhibition did get destroyed by a fire in 1936.

Who was the creator of the greate exhibition?

the great Exhibition was in London with the patronage of Queen Victoria