It pitted Germany against France.
The Moroccan crisis and the Bosnian crisis
the Moroccan king was killed and everything turned into a big mess
Germany and France were the key countries in the Moroccan Crisis of 1911. Germany challenged France's attempt to convert Morocco into a French protectorate. A war was averted over this when both nations agreed to a compromise. This entailed Germany withdrawing its objections in exchange for a small area in the French Congo.
The capital city of Morocco is Rabat
It pitted Germany against France.
The Moroccan crisis and the Bosnian crisis
many people died, for the best result i advise you to go onto 'bbc history chunks and info' to get the best detailed answer :)
the Moroccan king was killed and everything turned into a big mess
Definitely the Bosnian crisis. :) it is a vigina :)
please help me
In 1805, France tried to claim Morocco as its protectorate and Kaiser William II visited Morocco and publicly supported its territorial integrity. In 1906,A conference was called by the Powers in Spain the solve the First Moroccan Crisis. Britain backed France to get the national defence of Morocco. In 1911, Germany sent a gunboat to Moroccan port of Agadir to protect its interest over there and prevents it from expanding. Britain backed France again and Morocco becomes the protectorate of France. Although the two Moroccan Crises did not result in war, it further worsened relationship between Britain, France and Germany.
They tried to interfered with the entente cordiale in the Moroccan crisis 1905.
Germany and France were the key countries in the Moroccan Crisis of 1911. Germany challenged France's attempt to convert Morocco into a French protectorate. A war was averted over this when both nations agreed to a compromise. This entailed Germany withdrawing its objections in exchange for a small area in the French Congo.
the resulst of the first Morrocan Crisis in 1906 were: Anglo Russian agreement was signed in 1907 Britain and Russia had supported France which strengthned their relationship and led to the Anglo-Russian agreement in 1907. france had more confidencew in Britain's support and Britain's policy of splendid isolationism seemed to be coming to an end. OG
France and Germany were the main countries involved in the 1906 crisis. Nations supporting either side included Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Spain.